Salam Inspirations Repository

Salam Inspirations Repository
This book contains a collection of Islamically-themed poems which follow the classical rules of Arabic poetry regarding rhymes and metres. Examples of the topics written on here include topics like praising God, the Prophet’s life and his noble traits, the lives of the Prophet’s companions, and such holy sites as Makkah and Madīnah. The poet has begun writing these poems after he vowed to dedicate his life to the great project of “As-Salamu Alayaka Ayuha al-Nabī”. Since then, the poet has dedicated his poetic skills to this religious mission, and he has been evolving an incessant increasing passion to reformulate the unique meanings and values of Islam through poetry. The poet’s production is voluminous as he has written about 4000 lines of poetry, all of which are dedicated the topics just mentioned. This collection in hand has thus become an epic, which adds a great value to the overall project of “As-Salamu Alayaka Ayuha al-Nabī” and counts as one of its great achievements.